Interface into scala-reflect
and scala-compiler
Public variables and functions:
- abstract-override?
- abstract?
- alternative
- annotated
- any-cls-tag
- any-ref-cls-tag
- any-ref-tt
- any-tt
- any-val-cls-tag
- any-val-tt
- applied-type-tree
- apply
- as-class
- as-method
- as-module
- as-seen-from
- as-term
- as-type
- assign
- base-classes
- base-type
- bind
- block
- boolean-cls-tag
- boolean-tt
- byte-cls-tag
- byte-tt
- can-have-attrs?
- case-def
- char-cls-tag
- char-tt
- children
- class-def
- class-loader
- class-tag
- class?
- companion
- compile
- compound-type-tree
- conforms?
- constant
- constructor
- constructor?
- dealias
- decl
- decls
- decoded-name
- def-def
- def?
- default-constructor
- define
- double-cls-tag
- double-tt
- duplicate
- empty-package-name
- empty-term-name
- empty-tree
- empty-type-name
- empty?
- encoded-name
- equivalent?
- erasure
- error-term-name
- error-type-name
- eval
- existential-type-tree
- final?
- float-cls-tag
- float-tt
- full-name
- full-type-pr
- function
- ident
- if
- implementation-artifact?
- implicit?
- import
- import-selector
- info
- int-cls-tag
- int-tt
- java-annotation?
- java-enum?
- java?
- label-def
- literal
- local-suffix-string
- long-cls-tag
- long-tt
- macro?
- match
- member
- members
- method?
- mirror
- modifiers
- module-def
- module?
- name
- named-arg
- new
- no-prefix
- no-self-type
- no-type
- non-empty?
- nothing-cls-tag
- nothing-tt
- null-cls-tag
- null-tt
- object-cls-tag
- object-tt
- owner
- package-def
- package-term-name
- package-type-name
- package?
- param-lists
- parameter?
- parse
- pos
- pr-code
- pr-raw
- private-this?
- private?
- protected-this?
- protected?
- public?
- reflect
- reflect-class
- reflect-constructor
- reflect-field
- return
- root-pkg
- scala-symbol?
- scala-type
- scala-type?
- select
- select-from-type-tree
- short-cls-tag
- short-tt
- singleton-type-tree
- specialized?
- star
- static?
- structurally-equal?
- super
- symbol
- synthetic?
- takes-type-args?
- template
- term-name
- term-name?
- term-symbol
- term?
- this
- throw
- to-term-name
- to-type
- to-type-name
- toolbox
- tpe
- try
- type->tag
- type->tree
- type-apply
- type-args
- type-bounds-tree
- type-constructor
- type-def
- type-name
- type-name?
- type-params
- type-reflect
- type-symbol
- type-tag
- type-tree
- type?
- typed
- un-apply
- unit-cls-tag
- unit-tt
- universe
- val-def
- weak-conforms?
- widen
- wildcard-start
- wildcard-term-name
- wildcard-type-name
Utilities for converting collections between Clojure and Scala.
Utilities for constructing instances of scala’s Function*
Idiomatic Clojure wrapper around the scala.Option
Idiomatic Clojure wrapper around the scala.util.Try
Utilities for creating and unpacking instances of scala’s Tuple*
Public variables and functions:
A suite of functions and macros to help write Clojure code that is agnostic to the version of Scala on the classpath.
Public variables and functions: