
Reporting Bugs and Feature Requests

Reporting bugs and requesting features should be done by opening issues on the pyshgp GitHub repository page.

Contributing Code

Contributions to pyshgp are accepted via GitHub pull requests. If you would like to make change to the pyshgp code base (including tests and documentation) you must first fork the repository.

After cloning your fork, open a new branch. Do not add your changes to master. Once you have finished making your changes, you must open a pull request, which will be reviewed and eventually merged. If your changes are meant to address an open GitHub issue, it would be helpful if you mentioned the issue in the body of the pull request.

Code Reviews

All contributions to pyshgp will undergo at least one manual code review done by the project’s maintainers on the GitHub page. Please be patient while maintainers find time to review your pull requests.

Code Style

Pyshgp strives to conform to pep8 as much as possible. Pull requests will not be accepted until all code style issues have been resolved, unless otherwise approved by the project maintainers.

Unit Tests

Test coverage is not explicitly measured or tracked for pyshgp contributions, however, pull requests are expected to have unit tests when appropriate.

Contributing Documentation

The documentation of pyshgp is found in the docs folder. The documentation is built with Sphinx and the source code can be found in the docs_source folder.

As much documentation as possible is inserted from docstrings using autodoc. This will allow other contributors to read documentation from the source code and will also cut down on duplicated text.

Contributing Examples

Adding examples to pyshgp is a great way to demonstrate functionality to users and document different use cases.

Example files should be placed in the examples folder. If possible, data files should not be included with examples, but rather constructed or downloaded by the example file.

Examples should never import pyshgp modules using relative paths. Instead assume pyshgp has been installed as a package.

Release Pattern

The GitHub repository’s master branch is always kept in sync with what is available on PyPi.

In anticipation of a new release, a “dev-version” branch will be created with the naming convention “” where “##” is the anticipated version.

As feature branches (and forks) are opened to address issues, they will be reviewed via PR and merged into the “pre-version” branch.

Once the pre-version branch contains all the features required for the release of the next version (as dictated by the project boards on the GitHub page) the pre-version branch will be merged with master, a new release will be put on PyPI, and a locked version branch will be created.