
This namespace contains function which manage the set of supported
instructinos, and the related information such as supported data types.


(get-instruction name)(get-instruction name include-docstring)
Given an instruction name (either string or keyword) return the instruction
map of the corresponding push instruction.


(get-supported-instructions)(get-supported-instructions types)(get-supported-instructions types name-pattern)
Returns all (or a subset) of the registered instructions in the
instruction-set atom.

By supplying a collection of types, the resulting set of instructions will be
limited to instructions that deal with one or more of the specified types.

By supplyhing a regex name-pattern, the resulting set of instructions will be
filtered down to instructions whose name fits the pattern.


Returns all of the stack types (input and output) mentioned in the
instructions stored in the instruction-set atom.


An clojure atom containing a map of all registered instructions. Keys are
keywords made from instruction names. Values are maps that conforms to the
:plushi.instruction/instruction spec.


(make-instruction name function input-types output-types code-blocks)(make-instruction name function input-types output-types code-blocks docstring)
Creates an instruction map that :plushi.instruction/instruction spec.
- Name should be a unique string with respect to the other instructions in the instruction set.
- Function can be any clojure function.
- input-types is either the keyword :STATE or a vector of stack types.
- output-types is either the keyword :STATE or a vector of stack types.
- code-blocks is the number of code blocks that follow the instruction.
- docstring (optional) is a string explaining what the instruction does.


(register instruction)(register name function input-types output-types code-blocks)(register name function input-types output-types code-blocks docstring)
Given an instruction, or the necessary components to make an instruction,
add a key-value pair to the instruction-set atom.

Instructin components:
- Name should be a unique string with respect to the other instructions in the instruction set.
- Function can be any clojure function.
- input-types is either the keyword :STATE or a vector of stack types.
- output-types is either the keyword :STATE or a vector of stack types.
- code-blocks is the number of code blocks that follow the instruction.
- docstring (optional) is a string explaining what the instruction does.


(unregister instruction-name)
Given an instruction name, remove the instruction from the instruction set.