
Utilities for constructing instances of scala’s Function* traits.

This namespace defines a suite or types (via deftype) that each correspond to a Scala function with a different arity. They all are constructed with a single argument value: a clojure function with the same arity.

Each type also implements Serializable and clojure.lang.IFn so that instances can be called as normal Clojure functions.


(->fn0 f)

Wraps a Clojure function with arity 0 in a Scala Function0.


(->fn1 f)

Wraps a Clojure function with arity 1 in a Scala Function1.


(->fn2 f)

Wraps a Clojure function with arity 2 in a Scala Function2.


(->fn3 f)

Wraps a Clojure function with arity 3 in a Scala Function3.


(->fn4 f)

Wraps a Clojure function with arity 4 in a Scala Function4.


(->fn5 f)

Wraps a Clojure function with arity 5 in a Scala Function5.



(scala-fn params & body)

Creates a Scala function using idiomatic Clojure syntax.

Scala utilizes a different function type (expressed as a trait) depending on the number of arguments, and thus the type of the returned value will different depending on the arity of the function being defined.