
A suite of functions and macros to help write Clojure code that is agnostic to the version of Scala on the classpath.



(by-scala-version & versions-and-forms)

Macro that executes an appropriate form depending on the version of the Scala language found on the classpath.

The arguments should be alternating between a version keyword and a form. Version keywords can either take the form :major.minor or :major.minor.patch. For example:2.13and:2.12.6` are valid version keywords.

The form that corresponds to the highest compatible version will be executed. A compatible version is one that has the same major and minor versions as the current version of Scala on the classpath. If a form’s version keyword contains a patch version, it will only be valid if the patch version of the active Scala version is at least the same number.

(by-scala-version :2.12 :A
                  :2.12.10 :B
                  :2.13.4 :C)

For example the above code will

  • Return :A on Scala 2.12.0 through 2.13.9.
  • Return :B for :2.12.10 and all other 2.12.x versions.
  • Throw and exception for scala 2.13.0 through 2.13.3.
  • Return :C for 2.13.4 and all other 2.13.x versions.


(compare-versions v1 v2)

Given 2 version map describing versions, return -1 or 1 if v1 is lower or higher than v2. Returns 0 if the versions are logically the same.


(compare-versions {:major 2 :minor 12 :patch 13} {:major 2 :minor 13}) ;; => -1
(compare-versions {:major 2 :minor 13 :patch 6} {:major 2 :minor 13}) ;; => 1
(compare-versions {:major 2} {:major 2 :minor 0}) ;; => 0


(parse-version version-keyword)

Given a version keyword, parse it into a map with the keys :major, :minor, and :patch and numeric values.


(parse-version :2.12) ; => {:major 2 :minor 12}
(parse-version :2.13.6) ; => {:major 2 :minor 13 :patch 6}


A map describing the version of the Scala language that is currently on the classpath. Composed of 3 integer fields under the keys :major, :minor, and :patch.